During the last 40 years of the blessed Renaissance under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Sultanate's development efforts have made tangible and great achievements in all walks of life ;
(1)The UN Human Development Report 2010 pointed out that the Sultanate came first from among 135 country .
(2)The Doing Business Report published by the World Finance organization and World Bank in November 2010 pointed out that the Sultanate came 57 in 183.in 65 in 2009.
(3)The Competitiveness Report published by Institute of Management Development in Switzerland pointed out that the Sultanate jumped from 31st position in 2004 from among 61 countries to 15th in 2009 from among 58 countries.
(4) This is attributed to the improvement in all the four main indicators. In the economic field the Sultanate rose from 26th in 2004 to 19th in 2009. In the government efficiency, the Sultanate moved from the 7th place to the 3rd place. In business, it increased from 40th to 19th. In infrastructure, it increased from 42nd to 35th in 2006.
(5) As for the infrastructure indicator, the Sultanate achieved a leading position in terms of developing, planning, developing and spending on roads, airports and seaports. The Sultanate came 8th from among 58 countries covered by the report. The 2009 report points out that the Sultanate has been in a group that includes France and Spain in 2004 but in2009, it surpassed these two countries. It also pointed out that the Sultanate has a number of potentials that will improve its global competitiveness.
(6)The Sultanate was also ranked 36th from among 141 countries at the Economic Freedom Report by Frazer Establishment in Canada.
(7) The Economic Freedom Report published by the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal 2010 ranked the Sultanate 43rd from among 179 countries. The Sultanate came fourth on the Gulf level.
(8) The International Transparency Report published by the Berlin based International Transparency Organization affirmed the Sultanate's success in improving its international ranking by two grades. In 2010 report, the Sultanate came 39th on the international level and 3rd on the Arab level in 2009.
(9) The Sultanate raised 20 grades in the World Economic Forum Report on the readiness of countries for e-government. The Sultanate came 19th from among 133 countries in 2009 compared to 39th from among 134 countries in 2009.
(10) At the most stable countries report published by U.S Peace Fund, which covered 177 countries and where Norway came first at the 177th ranking, the Sultanate came at the 146th ranking. This means that the Sultanate is the most Arab and African stable countries.
(11) As per the U.S based Economy and Peace Report , the Sultanate came second at the Arab level and 23rd in the global level in terms of international peace indicator , which covers 149 countries.